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FAQ Financing your studies

On this site, you will find important information and recommended links regarding your finances.

Our BAföG advisory service► will clarify the eligibility requirements with you, provide support with the application and is available to answer questions about changes and follow-up applications. Questions about applications that have already been submitted or the processing status can only be answered by the responsible case officer.

For all other financing options, you can consult the Social & Financial Advisory Offices. 

Students who can still receive BAföG and whose income and/or that of their parents has decreased should have their BAföG entitlement (re)examined.

Students who are basically not or no longer entitled to BAföG can receive “Wohngeld”. It is a rent allowance. You should check this if you are entitled to this.

Basic security benefits (Hartz IV) for students are regulated by § 27 SGB II. Depending on the type of benefit, they can be granted as a grant or as a loan, provided that the respective relevant requirements are met. The Job Centre at the place of residence is responsible.

You have to submit an application to the relevant social security institution. This is free of charge and should be made in writing. You are entitled to a written decision.

Parents are responsible for the maintenance needs of their children until the end of their first education. As a rule, the obligation to pay maintenance also includes programmes that build on each other, such as a Master's degree following a Bachelor's degree. A change of subject in the lower semesters does not normally release you from the maintenance obligation. However, the parents have a right to ensure that the studies are pursued quickly. The principle of mutual consideration applies.  The amount and type of maintenance is determined by the parents' ability to pay and the child's needs. There are guideline values and exemption limits. The fulfilment of the maintenance obligation has priority over the parents' retirement provision or paying off a property loan.
If the parents are not in a financial position to provide (sufficient) maintenance, the state will step in with BAföG.


This is always an individual case decision, based on the legal basis. Therefore it is important to make an application in case of doubt.

That depends on the residence permit. For international students with a residence permit "for study purposes", even the application for Hartz IV or Wohngeld may have a negative effect on the residence permit.

We recommend to ask at the social and financial advisory service at the Studierendenwerk or the International Office at your university before you submit an application, if you are not sure about the consequences an application may have on your residence permit.

There is the possibility of an inexpensive loan. The conditions and information on how to apply can be found here ->
For acute emergencies, there is the possibility of a short-term loan from our emergency aid fund in the amount of EUR 400 one time payment. Please contact the Social & Financial Advising Service, finanzierung(at)

Yes. Please consult the social and financial advising service, finanzierung(at)

We recommend to also contact the counselling services and international offices at your university as well as the AstA and university parish to check for help. It may also be worthwhile to look for smaller, local, regional or special-purpose foundations that support young people in training that got into financial distress. Additional financial aid is available to students in certain circumstances, such as being a parent, health troubles or challenges due to current events such as the energy crisis or the war in Ukraine. 


Please inform your landlord, your health insurance company or any other agency with whom you have contracts and ask for a temporary deferral. The social and financial advising service will help you to find a solution. In addition, if you have any legal problems, feel free to use our free legal advice which we offer.

Our recommended links