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Education loan

For financing your advanced studies

The educational loan from the Federal Office of Administration is a variable-interest loan that students can apply for in the advanced phase of their studies. The interest rate is linked to the EURIBOR and is adjusted every six months.

Students who have accomplished their intermediate examination, are within their master’s studies or have reached the usual credit of the first two terms of the bachelor’s studies, are entitled to receiving 100,- , 200,- or 300,- euros per month for the maximum of 24 months.

Another opportunity is receiving the amount of 3600 euros for special expenses that are connected to your studies at once. The total of 7200 euros cannot be exceeded.

The education loan does not depend on your parents’ or spouse’s income and can be applied for even while receiving BAfoeG. Collaterals are not required.

Repayment should begin four years after the first rate was paid, the monthly repayment rate is 120,-.

Further information and application forms:

Federal Office of Administration, 50728 Cologne