Student residence, Stralsunder Straße 24-30

Stralsunder Straße 24-26 und 28-30
60323 Frankfurt am Main

150 Apartments in two houses

  • common room
  • laundry rooms 

Year of construction: 1950

The rental contract for the dormitory in Stralsunder Straße was extended once again by Goethe University.
Therefore we can continue to offer the 150 places until 30.09.2024.


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Letting and advice

Mrs. Brandt


Facility Manager

Mr. Nippe, Mr. Hummel,


0172 3537692 (Mr. Nippe)

0162 1344740 (Mr. Hummel)

Office:Stralsunder Str. 28 - 30
60323 Frankfurt am Main
Office hours:

Monday to Thursday
8 - 8.30 a.m. and 2 - 2.30 p.m.

8 - 8.30 a.m. and 12.00 - 12.30 p.m.

You can reach our technical staff by using the Loss Notification►


Accomodation type Size in sqm Furnishing Total rent (EUR)*
Single room in 3-room shared flat 11-18 shared kitchen, shared bathroom 239,00 - 293,00
1-room apartment <24 furnished, kitchenette, bathroom 324,00
1-room apartment (disability adapted) <50 furnished, kitchenette, bathroom 399,00
3-room flat 75   645,00

* Total rent includes utility costs; no annual charges for auxiliary costs required.
 TV and internet access included. Security deposit: 2 monthly rents. 

Special services

Property Services; cleaning of stairwells, corridors and common rooms is arranged. Outside facilities are maintained and cleaned.